About MicroTrends
MicroTrends was setup by founder and CEO Tom Leeson in 2006 to provide automated algorithmic trading systems specialist consultancy & development & managed trading services to CTAs, Hedge Funds, Vendors (ISVs), Commercial, investment companies and professional traders with off the shelf and custom bespoke .Net, NinjaTrader Add-ons, Strategies, Indicators, automated trading strategy consultancy development.
In house experience based on enterprise Institutional development since 1995 front desk and back office systems, client server, n tier, .net consultants, quantitative development, algorithmic trading NinjaTrader specialist since 2009. Specialist Futures algorithmic trading technologies .Net, C#, SQL, Azure Web & Desktop applications and services for day trading, swing trading, portfolio trading & “fund of funds” asset management systems.
Please note: For Traders wishing to use or buy MicroTrends NinjaTrader trading systems, please contact our authorized sole distributors at: www.algofuturestrader.com
MicroTrends Company Information
MicroTrends | MICROTRENDS LIMITED is a company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 05704475. Date of Incorporation: Feb 2006 Registered office: 30-34 North Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1DW, England, UK VAT Registration: GB879467255 Managing Director: Thomas Leeson |
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Automated Algorithmic & Hybrid Algo Trading Systems
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NinjaTrader Algorithmic Trading Systems Development & Consultancy
Institutional grade developers from 1995, 2006 Specialist, 2009 Listed NinjaTrader Consultants, B2B Services only Hire a leading developer NinjaScript consultant for NinjaTrader Automated trading algorithmic systems 3. GET STARTED CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR NINJATRADER DEVELOPMENT QUOTE FOR B2BDisclaimer, Terms & Risk Disclosure
- In using any MicroTrends websites, services & products you agree to our Terms and Conditions, errors and omissions excluded
- You are responsible to read the Full Risk Disclosure & Disclaimers related to trading
Trading and investment carry a high level of risk, and MicroTrends Ltd does not make any recommendations for buying or selling any financial instruments. We offer educational information on ways to use our sophisticated MicroTrends trading tools, but it is up to our customers and other readers to make their own trading and investment decisions or to consult with a registered investment adviser.